Immature Golden Eagle or Bald Eagle? Opinions requested.

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This photograph was taken at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. People I showed this to at the refuge thought this was an immature Golden Eagle, which has been spotted there on multiple occasions. Can those more experienced than me offer their opinion? I think I saw this same bird on a post along the road and it is very large.

Based on the chart I will link below (scroll down a little), my GUESS is bald eagle, based ont the light mottled coat and duller pale yellow of beak where it meets the head. Edit - reading further this supports bald eagle: the breast of juvenile bald is brown with varying degrees of white, whereas the breast of juvenile golden is uniformly dark brown.
Based on the chart I will link below (scroll down a little), my GUESS is bald eagle, based on the light mottled coat and duller pale yellow of beak where it meets the head.
I used Merlin and it provided the Golden Eagle first and the picture isn't the best to use. I think this could be the same bird, but it was taken on a different day at a different location in the refuge. Whatever it is, even as an immature bird, it's REALLY big. If this is the same bird using your provided info it looks like a Bald Eagle at 1 1/2 years. I actually have a photo of one at 2 1/2 years that matches the coloration on the provided chart.

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Bald Eagle. Golden Eagles have a smaller beak, show a golden nape at any age and are darker overall than this bird.

Golden Eagle example photo (non-releasable captive):

Thanks. The pictures from MrFotoFool’s attachment made this more obvious to me as well.