Immature Red-Tailed Hawk - on the turn

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Would appreciate knowing which of these two you prefer (it'd help settle a matter between the wife and me ;-) ).

These were taken at Loess Bluffs NWR in NW Missouri. This guy was angling my way with eyes intent for some food. When he finally spotted me sitting in my car shooting away it banked hard and left asap. These two are in that time when he noticed and was leaving.

Canon 7D Mark II with 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM + 1.4x
Topaz Sharpen AI as they were just a little soft. Also, on the second image I had to extend the sky a little above the wing so it wasn't too cramped.

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Lovely light, beaut raptor, #1 for sure. Better wing position. Nicely frames the head. All subjective. You can tweak the shadows, but to me, its about the wing position
Lovely light, beaut raptor, #1 for sure. Better wing position. Nicely frames the head. All subjective. You can tweak the shadows, but to me, its about the wing position
Thanks Callie. You're pointing out a couple things that I've thought about that image. The majority are going with my wife on this one. Honestly, I've been torn between the two, but I've liked the framing of the head and the curves of the wing in #1. The shadows for me add some dimensionality to it as well. I'll have to work on lightening them up and see how it goes. As I said, I've been torn and having others chime in is very helpful.