After a lifetime of convincing
terro tourists that's there's more to see in the deserts of Australia than they imagine, nah, it's my brain that needs to change.
Being on time limited schedules, one couldn't stop every 5 minutes to take photos. These days I can actually slow down and stop for anything I like and take beautiful shots like Woody has done. Need to slow that old brain down, open the eyes & see the possibilities. Macro and macro like shots finally get a chance to enter my world of photography.
I would tend to go with the
yellow above.
We stop for anything, any place in the parks; not so safe on our roads. We started bird watching about 25 years ago and it has totally changed the way we look at things. Nature is just SO incredible, and life is SO short. If not for this virus, then we were nearly on our way to Gold Coast for two month. Were so looking forward to seeing the summer migrants . . . Will look for an old image for you that is reminiscent of this beauty above!