Indian Dhole

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Also commonly known as the Asiatic wild dog is extremely endangered, with the IUCN estimating a declining population of less than 2,500 dholes are left in the world.

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Nice to see a different variety of wild dog. See one has been tagged so hope someone is keeping an eye out.
This species tends to live in groups with numbers ranging from 2-25 individuals. Every clan has a dominant and monogamous pair, which inherits the pups. Sometimes two different clans join together so you might come across with a bigger pack of wild dogs. Normally the Alpha male is tagged in order to keep a track of the entire group.

Due to the human dominance, excessive habitat loss and declining prey base has affected their population at a mass level. Despite the precarious status, Dhole population still thrive in India due to stringent conservation policies and managing the park at a full forced security.