Indigo Bunting

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That is a lovely image.
I have trouble telling Indigo Buntings and Indigo Grosbeaks apart (Sorry, I am fairly new to learning bird species). I thought this was an Indigo Bunting, but the app says Grosbeak, so it's a new first for me.


  • 448175009_3957383947823199_8513794297115320307_n.jpg
    575.2 KB · Views: 23
That is a lovely image.
I have trouble telling Indigo Buntings and Indigo Grosbeaks apart (Sorry, I am fairly new to learning bird species). I thought this was an Indigo Bunting, but the app says Grosbeak, so it's a new first for me.
Thanks! Blue Grosbeaks are larger, have a thicker bill, and have a rusty wingpatch. That's definitely a Blue Grosbeak!