Insurance for camera gear in Canada

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I'm looking for an insurer that provides this service in Canada, I don't have home insurance so I can't add it to that.
Maybe there are some Canadians here that found a solution? I already contacted many insurers without success, especially because I usually travel for 6 months a year. Another hurdle is that I'm not a professional photographer.
I use USAA which covers active duty military and veterans and their families. Their customers may be called on to go anywhere in the world at any time.

The caveat is you need to be eligible to get insurance.
It’s really difficult here in Canada, one wants to make it a part of the house insurance, which I don’t have. The next one doesn’t cover travelling, another one does not work in the province I live in.
I spend all day yesterday and all I achieved was frustration.
I’ll try again today.
Thanks for the ideas.