Integrating Lightroom and Lightroom Classic

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Anjin San

Well-known member
Supporting Member
I’m still tinkering with Lightroom on the iPad while traveling and Classic back at home. If none has solved the problem I’m describing or found the YouTube video that explains it ll please pass along. MattK has a video this week on backing up photos on the road…but then I already figured out the workflow for that. But he’s only talking about backup and not any processing.

Im trying to figure out how to have the possibility of some processing on the road if I need it but easily get those results back into Classic when I get home. Internet on the road is typically less than optimum and I don’t have enough Adobe storage o upload the whole trip’s worth of photos anyway. I figured out that import into LR on the iPad works and PP works as well…but with sync turned off I don’t see where the edits on the iPad are stored…and while I could$ sync any edited shots to t(r cloud and then sync back down to Classic I’m obviously going to want to get all the images into Classic and not just the few I edited. I figured that maybe the edits got written to the metadata with the file or to .xmp files…but the latter don’t exist and plugging the drive into the computer with Classic and importing didn’t bring the edits along.

So…is there a way I haven’t found yet to copy to an SSD, import into LR and edit a few then bulk import both the edited and unedited files into Classic later? Or is it a ‘shift to LR completely or don’t ed8t on the road situation?

O did try googling this first…and found lots of how to switch and comparison pages…and some that involved sync back at home then sync back to Classic…but the latter only gets whatever was edited into Classic leaving the remainder to be normally imported. It isn’t a huge loss if I’m limited to backup with the iPad…but the ability to easily edit and then get those into Classic seamlessly would be nice. Lightroom isnt fully featured enough yet to consider switching, and even if I did most processing would be on local images anyway.
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