Introducing Churpy Noisy Miner

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Robert S

Well-known member
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Nos 1 daughter's husband found Churpy and one of his siblings while working in the garden. The sibling was weak and had been attacked by ants. He lasted a few hours but then gave up. Hopefully Churpy will survive. If nothing else he might provide a feed for the Kookaburras. At present he is in intensive care in a bucket.
Poor little fella. I hope you have luck but the animal kingdom is a harsh place and it really is the survival of the fittest for purpose and maybe this little guy just wasn't up to it. You might have a fascinating pet. :)
Not sure how things will turn out Lance. The bird has feathers and is eating and shitting so it's got a chance. Lots of sites on the net that give advice on feed etc. The bird has feathers so it is in with a chance. Shame it's a Noisy Miner. The grown ups are not nice birds, but I'm a sucker for babies.
Not sure how things will turn out Lance. The bird has feathers and is eating and shitting so it's got a chance. Lots of sites on the net that give advice on feed etc. The bird has feathers so it is in with a chance. Shame it's a Noisy Miner. The grown ups are not nice birds, but I'm a sucker for babies.
Mate, you are doing exactly what I would do. I hate to see wildlife suffer and would try to save it as well. I don't mean to hijack your thread but we saved one many years ago, put it back in it's nest and it survived but I think it was about to fledge and thus why it may have survived.

Thanks for the post NorthernFocus. It's not that tough. So far Churpy has survived for 26 hours. Son in law found him about 11.00 am yesterday morning. He eats, defactes, and churps a lot. He slept during the night. It's been very expesive having him [ might be a her ] in IC in the bucket. So far it has cost one boiled egg, some mashed up oats, and about fifteen sheets of kitchen paper towel. Maybe he will be dead tomorrow from eating too much, maybe he will fly only once and be taken mid flap by a Currawong. But I will give Churpy that chance! The pleasure the birds have given me by allowing me to photograph them, always nude, at times in the middle of coitus, or while enjoying a family meal, is more than payment for my meager efforts to extend the life of one very young bird.