Is it too dark ?

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What do you guys think? Will it be too dark ? I tried to make the mood but i don't know will it be too much
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Its a lovely image - and worth keeping for me, but I would have done some editing:
This would be my suggestion - by no means is it the only way to edit the image.
in ACR - with a mask - select subject and lighten shadows and whites- not too much.
Linear mask on bottom 20% - lighten the shadows (seems there is a second bird in the bottom)
In PS - add a little rim-light to the top of the bird and it's head.
I think the subject of the photo is the background, and it is interesting. But there is too much if it. I guess I would crop down to eliminate the blown out parts at the top and left. I like the space below the bird because it is facing that way, but parts of it are distracting where it is so blurry. So if you have Photoshop I would try the patch tool or content aware fill to remove the super blurry blob bottom left.. The bird could be darkened selectively into a silhouette or if not then brought up to more normal values.
I think the subject of the photo is the background, and it is interesting. But there is too much if it. I guess I would crop down to eliminate the blown out parts at the top and left. I like the space below the bird because it is facing that way, but parts of it are distracting where it is so blurry. So if you have Photoshop I would try the patch tool or content aware fill to remove the super blurry blob bottom left.. The bird could be darkened selectively into a silhouette or if not then brought up to more normal values.
Thanks so much