Is the hood of Nikon 600mm PF 6.3 wobble or loose?

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I just bought it, although mounting the hood with click sound, the hood is wobble in a very small range when pressing its edge, that causes rhythmic sound when walking with the lens.

Handed on two samples exhibited in different shop, the result is same.

I never encountered the similar situation in previous lens 863PF, 556PF and different generations of 70-200. Of course, the hood connector struct may be different, plastic or metal?

Is the same situation in your product? Thanks!
I just checked mine and it took me a minute to figure out what you mean. Because once it clicks in place and I try to turn it at the base, there is no movement or wobble whatsoever. However, after re-reading your post, I see you mean when holding it at the very end, not the base where it mounts. I tried this and yes, there is a very minor wobble though I would have never noticed it if I had not read your post. I assume it is just due to the size of the hood and the only way to eliminate it would be to make it with thicker plastic or another material such as metal or carbon fiber. In any case, I don't think it's of any concern.