It’s Hot!

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Living just outside of Phoenix this time of year, it gets a little toasty. Not a whole lot of photo opportunities in the neighborhood….everything is just laying low in the afternoon. So I was taking out the trash and heard a Mockingbird making a racket. I looked up in my neighbor’s yard and saw a juvenile Harris’s Hawk being harassed by the Mockingbird. I ran inside for the camera and only got the tail end of their dispute. The Mockingbird flew off but the Harris’s Hawk stayed for awhile. It was panting a lot with the heat. After a few shots I left it alone as I didn’t want to distress it anymore. It stayed in the area for about an hour and flew off. Nikon D850 with 500mm PF.
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Living just outside of Phoenix this time of year, it gets a little toasty. Not a whole lot of photo opportunities in the neighborhood….everything is just laying low in the afternoon. So I was taking out the trash and heard a Mockingbird making a racket. I looked up in my neighbor’s yard and saw a juvenile Harris’s Hawk being harassed by the Mockingbird. I ran inside for the camera and only got the tail end of their dispute. The Mockingbird flew off but the Harris’s Hawk stayed for awhile. It was panting a lot with the heat. After a few shots I left it alone as I didn’t want to distress it anymore. It stayed in the area for about an hour and flew off. Nikon D850 with 500mm PF.View attachment 42264

View attachment 42265View attachment 42266
Nice shot Doug. A friend of mine who lives in Arizona mentioned that where he lives, they went 77 straight days without rain before the relief came.
Nice shot Doug. A friend of mine who lives in Arizona mentioned that where he lives, they went 77 straight days without rain before the relief came.
Thank you Ralph! Our summer monsoon is predicted to be more active this summer. Last year we received quite a bit of rain, and this year we’ve had a little, although it’s drying out again this last week. Supposed to be 114 on Saturday. For the record, in June of 1990, we hit 122 degrees in Phoenix. I know I was working that day and when I got home at 9 pm it was still 116. Pretty miserable, but at least I don’t have to shovel it!
Thank you Ralph! Our summer monsoon is predicted to be more active this summer. Last year we received quite a bit of rain, and this year we’ve had a little, although it’s drying out again this last week. Supposed to be 114 on Saturday. For the record, in June of 1990, we hit 122 degrees in Phoenix. I know I was working that day and when I got home at 9 pm it was still 116. Pretty miserable, but at least I don’t have to shovel it!
That is Hot!!