It is 99 here in San Antonio so I was looking for something cool.

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Taken on our trip to Antarctica awhile ago. King penguins and chin strap penguins - didn't have any sightings of emperor penguins.
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Oh my! These are stunning! Worse - a close friend is leading a tour to Antarctica in 2025....and I keep refusing to join him! TERRIBLY expensive! LOL! You are definitely a bad influence! Would you do the trip again?
Oh my! These are stunning! Worse - a close friend is leading a tour to Antarctica in 2025....and I keep refusing to join him! TERRIBLY expensive! LOL! You are definitely a bad influence! Would you do the trip again?
Thank you very much. Def would do the trip again And have considered it. Went in March which was the last expedition for that ship before winter So would want to go at the beginning of the season to see it differently. One of the other people had been 4 times - each time at a different season. If you go do not miss So Georgia. That is where all of the animals are. It is truly otherworldly - the colors of the water are amazing. We went on a small ship - 100 people which made the daily excursions very easy. You should go - you wouldn’t regret it. Just be sure to take seasick pills.
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