It seemed wise to REPLY and enter same subject photos? but is that stealing someone elses post?

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seemed logical to click hummingbirds and see a LOT of them - instead of one photo then back out and back in elsewhere to see another photo.
Would it work to just REPLY and post another photo of the same subject in a thread someone else started?
I'll start a new one, I'm new here.
Welcome to BCG! Glad to have you join us!

In the Presentation galleries, members usually start a thread to share their images. Thus, we ask that you not post your images in a thread started by someone else.

However, if there is a discussion thread about a specific lens, technique, etc. and images are appropriate to demonstrate a point, then posting images your might be appropriate. If you want to post images in a thread started by another member, it is best to contact the OP and ask if he is OK with others posting images in his thread.
The only times I’ve posted a photo in someone’s thread when it wasn’t like above (post your photos of xxx here) was when it added to the discussion. One came to mind about a butterfly and I posted a photo of its caterpillar. I wouldn’t want to hijack someone’s thread.
