I've cropped too close?

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Bergas Otter 5.JPG
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Nikon D500 Sigma 150-500 F 8 1/1500 iso 1000 matrix metering 750 mm handheld.
In my defense this guy caught me by surprise. It was taken while walking my dogs on the cliff tops along the Black Sea in Bulgaria. I think I may have cropped too close. I have several other shots of him but he was never closer than 50 meters.
What I'm feeling is I'd like more room above his butt, balancing the amount of space on the left. I don't have an 'art' reason for it, but I react to that area.
I would not crop quite as much which would make the critter appear a little sharper and may give more drama to the scene. To me, close-ups need to be really, really sharp and detailed. But, at that distance this is a good photo!
Curiously, what was the crop in size on the long side? That may give a better understanding of how much room is available, also maybe post the full image for ideas if you would like them.

On face valve i agree with Greg's reasons, pull back to increase the apparent sharpness in the image.