JPG XL RAW Format for iPhone 16 PRO.

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Hooligans Imagery

Michael H
Supporting Member
New compressed formats for RAW, will be quite useful for those using phones cameras as part of their kits.
I know some here say the sensor is small, but for others that use it as a backup, with the new camera control button I find this compelling.
If you look at the chart this new format would encourage me to use RAW more on the phone.
Especially if aren't printing the images and only showing them electronically, I believe these developments are continued and welcome improvements.
Honestly, for social, media use, phones have long been good enough. I'm all for improvements, I just don't see this as anything really game changing.
Yes I know you don't but I certainly do and my wife does - she's the one that uses her phone the most. The smaller sizes will be much easier to work with and the camera accessibility will be much improved.