Jumping Spider with Breakfast

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My wife and I were photographing butterflies when some movement on a leaf caught my eye. This tiny little jumping spider had just nailed a fly and was enjoying some fine dining for breakfast. Unfortunately, when downsizing to under 1mb some of the fine detail in the spider's eyes and hair seem to be lost.
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thanks. I do think they are cool. I'm one of the people who is scared of spiders but for some reason these don't invoke that flight or fight response in me like other spiders do.
I'm not a big fan of spiders, at all, in terms of getting close and personal. It was the jumpers tho that has eased that a great deal from the now numerous times when I've been shooting them with the macro lens and they leap onto the lens while I'm looking through it -- yah, I've made a noise LOL -- and often they leap onto me and I've become good with it. Not ready to graduate to having tarantulas (or even brown garden spiders) crawling all over me tho :)
I'm not a big fan of spiders, at all, in terms of getting close and personal. It was the jumpers tho that has eased that a great deal from the now numerous times when I've been shooting them with the macro lens and they leap onto the lens while I'm looking through it -- yah, I've made a noise LOL -- and often they leap onto me and I've become good with it. Not ready to graduate to having tarantulas (or even brown garden spiders) crawling all over me tho :)
I hear ya!
They are just so damn cute. But as this photo shows they are not shy about tackling a food source much bigger than them. How much bigger remains a mystery. Nice shot.
They are just so damn cute. But as this photo shows they are not shy about tackling a food source much bigger than them. How much bigger remains a mystery. Nice shot.
they do seem to be fearless. Like G Wright said above, I think he may have been looking at me to decide if I was going to be lunch.