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Well-known member
Don't know why but this photo just have a certain calmness about it, a very common and in abundance savanna bird, weighing a mere 10grams and can easily be caught in golden orb spider webs. Blue waxbill

Kin 0324-196-Enhanced-NR.jpg
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Bertie! Loves these little guys! Beaut image!
Thx Callie
Thx Charles
Agreed about the mood of the shot. Nice!
Thank you Woody
Beautiful bird! The moss/lichen covered rock and small flower add to the image. well done!
Thx Larry
You got the values just right, easier said than done.
Thank you Bill
Awesome capture of a beautiful bird.
Happy trails Bertie.
Thanks you Paul
Love the colours of, and around!, this beautiful bird. Nicely done, as always.
Thank you Steven
Great shot of the Blousysie, Bertie.
Thanks Rassie, yes you should know them