Just another boring sunrise…

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Sunrise photos are a bit cliché, but there were some beautiful ones in South Carolina recently that were hard to pass up. I found this boardwalk on Battery Creek, just across from Parris Island. I kept hearing what I thought were firecrackers in the distance, then realized it was the sound of Marine gunfire. As the sun peeked above the horizon, the tunes of Reveille wafted across the water - a perfect start to the day.

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I live about 3.4 miles from a base, mostly across water. And if I'm outside at the proper times, hear not only Reveille, but Retreat and Taps. No mater which, when hearing them, I try to stop what I'm doing, listen to them from across the distance, reflect a bit, and, especially at the playing of Taps, remember those I knew that served and are no longer with us.

And BTW, that's a nice sunrise photo. I don't see anything cliché about it.
That's a lovely shot, Clark. My bride made me take the long lens off the Z9 in favor of a landscape lens. Totally unfair but she wants me to concentrate on some landscapes before we head back north.

...The thing about "boring" sunrise and sunset photos - every time I look at mine - I remember taking the shot and I remember how incredibly beautiful it was to me. It more than a photo. it is mood, it is feeling and it is pleasure.
I'm that way about all photos. I can look through thousands of wildlife shots and for nearly all of them I can remember the moment it was shot, where I was, etc. Emotional attachment is one of the things that makes it so hard to be objective about our own photos.
Nice. No such thing as a boring sunrise. Hard to say if I prefer a sunset or a sunrise but I usually have a glass of wine to go with a sunset so not always a fair fight. I end up taking most of mine spontaneously with an iPhone.