Just for fun

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I just wanted to share my Lessor Goldfinch problem. Felt sorry for the birds because we are getting snow at low altitudes here in northern California, mainly 1600 ft were I am, so I hung my Nyger seed socks out and started as 4 or 5, went to, not sure how many. Also a nice Bob the Cat shots of our new house cat in for a second visit so I guess he is mine now. and lastly nothing says spring like snow on the Bluebirds!
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That cat is gorgeous

I have birds feeding here too -you should count the different species. It is at least interesting to see :)
The Bobcat has been coming around a few times now so must have den nearby and I am on its hunting route. Still very skiddish of my shutter click...D850. I usually do not see this many Goldfinch until warmer weather. Species in this one dogwood at any one time are Nuthatch, Dark Eyed Junco, Western Bluebird, doves, and house finch. This is them sunning on a different morning in the top of an Oak, quite colorful at times when bunching together. Snow is a more or less a rarity at our elevation but this year 5 times never staying long though, the good kind of snow!

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Awesome that you have all those finches and blubirds! Those finches Love the Thistle Seed! Looks like you have some great photo opportunities close by!
They sure do, it's their candy treat for sure. If I have 2 socks up at times, they will be covered. What is amazing is that you won't see a single one, hang them and within 30 minutes, they have told the entire forest that lunch is served! I had 2 broods in a blue bird house last year, so I think the family is hanging close this year, about 8 so far.
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