Just in case you need a shot of inspiration

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I've been fortunate enough to cross paths with him in Homer and Jackson Hole. On both occasions, I found him approachable and congenial. He seems to be a good guy in addition to being one of the most successful wildlife photographers of all time.
I've been fortunate enough to cross paths with him in Homer and Jackson Hole. On both occasions, I found him approachable and congenial. He seems to be a good guy in addition to being one of the most successful wildlife photographers of all time.
My good friend and photography mentor has related stories about hanging out with his son and Tom at Tom’s place on the Platte, and confirms what an authentically nice guy he is, and humble despite his fame. It’s hard to describe just how amazing and moving Tom’s large format images are, unless you’ve seen them in person.
Thanks for the link. He used to have a gallery in the main terminal at Denver International Airport. My wife and I used to plan extra time when traveling out of DIA so we could visit the gallery. If you are traveling though the Tetons there is a good chance you will see him especially if 399 is out and about. He is passionate about what he does but is also very passionate about sharing with others, a great teacher of photography and conservation.