Juvenile Black Crowned Night Heron

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Found this guy sitting on top of the dam at the Falls of the Ohio
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Never seen one so young, the bottom photo almost makes it look like an American Bittern with that tall lanky body. Great stuff!
Thank you, I like that photo, he just looks like he is off in his own little world contemplating life. As far as the American Bittern he does look a little like one. However, I had to look up a picture of one because I had never heard of them before much less seen one. Now I have another bird to find and photograph, lol.
Now I have another bird to find...
And that's the trick with Bittern's, they tend to hang out in reedy marshlands and they hide in plain sight by doing their best reed or cattail imitation. I got lucky as this one walked into the clear, noticed me and immediately stood bolt upright pointing his beak towards the sky. I didn't get many shots before he realized it wasn't working and scurried back into the thicker reeds.

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Nice! He blends in well. I imagine they would be hard to spot if you didn't know what you are looking for. I am not sure if we have any of those around Kentucky but , I will keep a watch for them now.