Juvie Bateleur in flight

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Cubitje Quab, Kgalagadi TFP.
Not as handsome as the adults with their black and russet plumage and red beaks 'n toes, but still a very nice eagle.

03415W D5OO 6750.jpg
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Gorgeous. Dang but that 500 pf is such a fine lens (certainly in the right hands!).
Beautiful shot Callie! Glad to see I’m not the only one still bringing out the D500.
Thanks, Guys! Yes, the D500 and the 500 PF - the fact that there are now Z bodies and Z-lenses does not take away the fact this this was one of the best combos ever. As someone has said: it is what happens 6" behind the camera that matters. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: