Karoo sunset with clouds

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Karoo sunset with clouds ~ I love clouds and shooting clouds and seeing all sort of weird and wonderful creatures hiding and lurking in clouds.
These images are from a hill on the edge of Oudthoorn. The minute mountain on the horizon is the Swartberg, about 2 300 m. ( We do not have real mountains in SA, more semi desert and bushveld ~ The Drakensberg, with its highest peak, Thabana Ntlenyana, at 3,482 m (11,424 ft) is our highest mountain and covers small part of SA)
The one image is straight full frame DX, the second is two images stitched together. Both images from the time when I thought jpeg was king!
D300; lens some Sigma WA @ 10 mm; F4; 1/250; ISO 200
00310 24X16W D300 7808.jpg
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00487 24X9W D3OO 9807-Pano.jpg
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