Kestrel at golden hour (04:28)

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So many great posts made here, sometimes you have to retrace your steps and see what you missed... This shot was a month ago. @Steve, there is a way to search for unanswered threads, but is there a way of searching for unread ones as well?
So many great posts made here, sometimes you have to retrace your steps and see what you missed... This shot was a month ago. @Steve, there is a way to search for unanswered threads, but is there a way of searching for unread ones as well?
Under What's New there's a link for New Posts. Is that what you mean?
Who the photographer or the bird LOL:ROFLMAO: Mind you some of my ex wives think I'm a bit of a suspicious character, when I say some, I've been married four times.
Problem is I like wedding cake LOL:love: Good old oztours he said so many great posts made here and puts mine up as an example, I feel so honoured Thank you .