King Penguin Chick and Parent Feeding

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The first shot is a King Penguin chick that is probably around 10 months old, they molt between 10-12 months and this one had not started molting. The second shot is a King penguin adult feeding a chick that is most likely older, probably closer to 12 months and almost ready to strike out on its own as evidence by the degree of molt. It was funny as the young chicks band together and sit on the sand and they looked like rocks. I almost ran into one that was lying down!

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The babies were so funny to watch, they did trundle around like they were in winter coats, and they were! Big penguins don't do a lot of activity anyway as far as I saw, they just sort of walk around. The smaller ones are very active. The King babies gather together in a creche for safety as their parents head out to fish.