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Kingfisher on a brach takes flight
Taken from my kayak
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You can only see EXIF info for this image if you are logged in.

You can only see EXIF info for this image if you are logged in.
Like the composite though there is some weird generative (or clone) artifact in the upper left and maybe left edge and bottom. Care to comment on lens/settings/etc.?
Thank you ajmd
Great eye
When stitching a panorama when a hand held telephoto is used, this time a zoom at 600mm, you do not get level shots and the alignment of the stitched image leaves gaps on all sides. Cropping is the best but even with a crop there are usually gaps. For posting I used content aware fill without any touch up. For printing I would try multiple fills and then edit the fill.
These were shot at 600mm with Nikon 180-600 at 6.3 most likely at 1/3200 or 1/4000
The stitching software eliminates exif