Kingfishers #4 ~ Malachite KF

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Malachite Kingfisher, Alcedo cristata, Kuifkopvisvanger - its a toss who is the most beautiful, this one or the Pygmy KF. 13-14 cm, juvie duller with black bill and feet!
These are mostly old images and need some rework, but what the heck, this birdie is so beautiful, one tends to overlook a few flaws in the image ! :sneaky:
Zibulo Hide, Mpumalanga, SA. That strange BG colour is the real colour, OOF grass in the BG, at least 60 m or more away!

D4 1904W.jpg
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Sub Adult, Marievale, Ramsar site, Springs, East Rand, Gauteng

00573 12X8W D3S 0727.jpg
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Adult with catch @ Zibulo
D4; 600 F/4 + 1.4TC; F/7.1; 1/2500, ISO 1250;

D4 2014 05 14 2133.jpg
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Previously posted somewhere here ~ Zibulo Hides
D4; 600 F/4 + 1.4TC; F/7.1; 1/2500, ISO 640;

00559 18X12W D4 0069.jpg
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Adult, Zibulo
D4; 600 F/4 + 1.4TC; F/8; 1/2000, ISO 1000;

D800 1388W.jpg
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Now I'm green! My most fervent ambition is to get a picture of a Malachite. To me probably the prettiest kingfisher of all of them.
Very nice work, Callie.
Now I'm green! My most fervent ambition is to get a picture of a Malachite. To me probably the prettiest kingfisher of all of them.
Very nice work, Callie.
Koos, I know the feeling ~ when I started off years ago, I battled a long time to get my first decent one. So just for you, my first usable image with the D70 @ Lake Panic,
many moons ago!

D70 7181Poem.jpg
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@Callie you need to add to your signature...

Callie de Wet
Adventure Traveller, Super Photographer, Poet and All Round Good Bloke

Photography is never about the picture in the bag, it is all about the anticipation of the next picture!
D850; D500; 500 PF, 80-400 f/4.5 - 5.6G; 16-35 f/4; 24-120 f/4; 1.4 TC, SB900