Lake Lindsey Fall Colors

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It is hard to see, but the duck in the foreground was stretching his wings for me.

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Nice scene, Greg.
I'd be very tempted to increase contrast a bit to make the image pop.

Hope you don't mind. I increased contrast and reduced highlights just a tad. The extra saturation is a result of increased contrast. Easy enough to pull that back a bit if it's too saturated.

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Nice scene, Greg.
I'd be very tempted to increase contrast a bit to make the image pop.

Hope you don't mind. I increased contrast and reduced highlights just a tad. The extra saturation is a result of increased contrast. Easy enough to pull that back a bit if it's too saturated.

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Koos, I do not mind at all. I am here to learn and improve my skills so any feedback is always appreciated. I like your edit and you mention the over saturation which I always try to be conscious of and I think that is why I did not bring out the colors more. I had already brought them out some but did not want to overdo it. One of my main editing challenges is knowing when to quit adjusting (too much or not enough). Many thanks for your feedback!
Koos, I do not mind at all. I am here to learn and improve my skills so any feedback is always appreciated. I like your edit and you mention the over saturation which I always try to be conscious of and I think that is why I did not bring out the colors more. I had already brought them out some but did not want to overdo it. One of my main editing challenges is knowing when to quit adjusting (too much or not enough). Many thanks for your feedback!
that's always the hardest thing to learn.... just keep plugging away! oh and nice photo!
Koos, I do not mind at all. I am here to learn and improve my skills so any feedback is always appreciated. I like your edit and you mention the over saturation which I always try to be conscious of and I think that is why I did not bring out the colors more. I had already brought them out some but did not want to overdo it. One of my main editing challenges is knowing when to quit adjusting (too much or not enough). Many thanks for your feedback!
I found with fall color photography, sometimes, especially with relatively bright, even light, the image comes out of the camera with the colors very muted. On a number of occasions I've had to pump up saturation significantly for the image to look good. On other occasions with different light, especially when the sun is lower and closer to the horizon I've had to actually reduce saturation in post. No one size fits all.
I found with fall color photography, sometimes, especially with relatively bright, even light, the image comes out of the camera with the colors very muted. On a number of occasions I've had to pump up saturation significantly for the image to look good. On other occasions with different light, especially when the sun is lower and closer to the horizon I've had to actually reduce saturation in post. No one size fits all.
Absolutely correct, Koos. Everything with fall color that I am shooting now are muted because we are not at peak color. But, if you help them along with a little saturation and luminance, the colors will pop out.