Lamar Valley, Yellowstone, At night.

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Taken at Yellowstone, Lamar Valley near Cook City. 14mm at 25 Sec.

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  • _80E1810-3.Id_87587.jpg
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Taken at Yellowstone, Lamar Valley near Cook City. 14mm at 25 Sec.

View attachment 11564
Great picture, well worth the effort and it should remain permanently in your favorites folder.
I have a question about it and am not being critical at all. I think I recognize the location and if so it is looking east. I am wondering about the faint light on the low point on the horizon. Is that slightly brighter area just light pollution or is there another reason for it. It does not detract at all from the image but I am wondering about its source.
Anyone's input would be appreciated. Thanks
gKhan. Thanks for your reply. If you were to drive toward the light you would enter into the Lamar Vale. The light could be from Gardiner or many other light many miles away depending on the size of the light pollution. The light pollution in this photo may also be form Bozeman.

When you shoot the long night photos the camera picks up light you can't see with your eyes.