LBR - Somethin' stuck in me throat, it seems . . .

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Lilac-breasted Roller, Coracias caudatus, Gewone Troupant, Gabelracke, Rolieiro-de-peito-lilás, Rollier à longs brins, Vorkstaartscharrelaar, Kruger NP
One of five roller species found in the Southern Africa region. The colours of this common bushveld bird is off the charts but what a wonderful composition of colours juxtaposed in one bird!
This one was probably regurgitation some indigestible insect parts. Something also seems to have hooked a breast feather out of place.
D500; 500 PF; F/7.1; 1/1600; ISO 280, +1.3 EV and it was still underexposed.

00713 13,1X9,95W D500 1950.jpg
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