Leica Q3 | 28MM vs 43MM

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Curious to know what you would pick if given the choice (and why) to pair up with your current kit. Strong rumors a 43(ish)MM will be announced by the end of the year.

One each, of course... Or an M12 with AF. Hard call, but I'd sell my Q3 for the 43ish. 28mm for me has always been an odd focal length, not wide enough for landscape, not tight enough for portraits.
If it were me, I would go for the 43mm and for a simple reason: I don’t generally like wider angles. Add to that the 28mm field of view has gotten very stale (to me) since so many phone pics are around that field of view.
There is no right or wrong answer in this one, it really depends on your style. I love the current Q3, one of my all times favorite cameras for street photography and I’d probably stick to the 28mm because you can crop into it for a 35mm, 43mm and even 50mm field of view with still sufficient resolution. You can’t do that with a 43mm lens. But if your style is more 40mm to 80mm, then the 43mm version makes a lot of sense. Not right or wrong, just pick your style and align your gear to it, not the other way around.

But I will also say, as much as I love the Q3, I enjoy the versatility of the small Tamron 28-75 f:2.8 G2 even more, and now the Sony 24-50 f:2.8 on an a7R5 - those combos are bigger for sure but still light weight and offer a versatility that is amazing, especially when you attend an event / area you don’t know well. But if I need to be discreet or know I can get in real close, nothing beats the Q3 😊