Lens Calibration in a small space

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Sorry if this was previously asked.

I have Nikon lenses, 500mm PF and 300mm PF and want to calibrate them to my D850. Unfortunately, I have limited space. Can I still calibrate my lenses in less than the prescribed distance.
Sorry if this was previously asked.

I have Nikon lenses, 500mm PF and 300mm PF and want to calibrate them to my D850. Unfortunately, I have limited space. Can I still calibrate my lenses in less than the prescribed distance.
It's best to do any AF fine tuning at or near the typical subject distances you'll use with the lenses so generally speaking I wouldn't dramatically shorten the working distance when doing AF fine tuning especially for the 500mm PF which is a lens typically used at fairly long working distances.

Also I wouldn't do ANY AF fine tuning unless you see a repeating pattern of front or back focusing with those lenses on your D850. Fine tuning won't make a lens any sharper at correct focusing distances, it will just adjust for possible front or back focus issues where the AF system makes slight mistakes in best focusing distance.

Stated differently AF tuning won't make the lens any sharper than what you can achieve with good manual focus technique or when focusing via Live View but can correct for slight AF system focusing errors. If you don't have those kind of front or back focus errors then don't perform any AF tuning.

If you're not sure, you might do some tests without any actual fine tuning using the Dot-Tune method to see if your lens and camera combos lead to front or back focus issues:

dot tune method