Lens function buttons

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I went with Save and Recall focus position…I've got the 600PF and 400/4.5 that have Memory Set buttons but the 100-400 doesn't have one. If I use the Memory Set button then I'll have to figure out a different button to use for store focus position on it…and I also need to as much as possible keep the Z9 and Z8 set the same…but I could use something like the Qual button or one of the other bottom back buttons on the Z9 and put the 100-400 there and that would allow L Fn2 to be something else. I'll have to reread Steve's book again to see what he recommends in the latest addition…unless he wants to chime in but I don't know if he uses the 100-400 in the field much. Actually…putting the 100-400 on the Z9 vice the 600PF makes more sense weight wise with the Z8 and Z9 bodies to balance their weight a little better…but the Z8 doesn't have bird AF yet. I'm following this post though to get more ideas.
L-Fn: Recall focus position
L-Fn2: Auto-area AF
Lens Control Ring: change ISO
For additional camera button settings I use:
Fn1 and Fn3: Recall Shooting Function HOLD Subject Detection Off
Fn2: With FX/DX
Protect / Fn4: Playback
OK Button: Zoom 100%
Sub-Selector Center: select center focus point
Fn button for vertical shooting: Exposure compensation
Video Record Button: AF-Area mode / Focus mode
800 pf:
- L-Fn1 is setting memory focus position (replacing the default of the Set Memory button )
- L-Fn2 : recall farther distance focus position ~ 20-30 meters away Or a specific perch
- SET MEMORY button: recall minimum focus position or other closer point of interest. because the Set-Memory button is very easy to operate - just with the right hand middle finger - it can be used to other quick tasks so I considering changing it role .
L-Fn: Recall focus position
L-Fn2: Auto-area AF
Lens Control Ring: change ISO
For additional camera button settings I use:
Fn1 and Fn3: Recall Shooting Function HOLD Subject Detection Off
Fn2: With FX/DX
Protect / Fn4: Playback
OK Button: Zoom 100%
Sub-Selector Center: select center focus point
Fn button for vertical shooting: Exposure compensation
Video Record Button: AF-Area mode / Focus mode
How do you remember all that?o_O
I had a commenter on YT mention another way that I'm going to try for recall shooting. He has Fn2 and the Memory Recall button set for recalling focus distance and uses Lens fn to set. The Lens Fn2 button is set for a medium range, the Men Set is set at or about minimum focus distance.

It seems counterintuitive since the memory set button is literally designed for setting the focus distance BUT as he points out, it's easy to press the Men Set button with you middle finger, putting it in a better place than the Fn button.

Something to try.
How do you remember all that?o_O
Good question. I made a "cheat sheet" which I put back to back and then laminate. So I have too relatively small cards in my camera bag to refer to. With time I remember what I did without the cards.

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 2.06.45 PM.png