Leucistic Impala

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from Wiki : Leucism is a term used to describe a wide variety of conditions which result in the partial loss of pigmentation in an animal—which causes white, pale, or patchy coloration of the skin, hair, feathers, scales or cuticles, but not the eyes. This female was part of a herd of impalas in southern Kuruge NP. Unfortunately, she stayed in the bush and I could not nail her in toto. Not albino, they have pink eyes.
D4; 600 F/4 + 1.4 TC; F5.6; 1/400; ISO 3200 - heavy overcast with intermittent mist rain.

D4 13341W.jpg
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These guys certainly stand out in the bush, sadly statistics show they get picked off fairly quickly as a result.
I like the head shot here with complimentary BG Callie, have seen a couple in different decades in TZ.
I'd consider removing the vertical grass stalk (RHS) if your ethics allow. ;)
These guys certainly stand out in the bush, sadly statistics show they get picked off fairly quickly as a result.
I like the head shot here with complimentary BG Callie, have seen a couple in different decades in TZ.
I'd consider removing the vertical grass stalk (RHS) if your ethics allow. ;)
Marc Thanks Yes you are right about the grass. This is an old image, it needs rework. I have leaned a lot about PP in the last year and can now remove nearly anything :D. When I did this, I still knew too little; just have to make time to redo 95% of my old images.