Lilac Breasted Roller

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Well-known member
Taken in the Kruger National Park , South Africa.
Found throughout eastern and southern Africa where they commonly occur in Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and north eastern South Africa, as well as Kenya and Somalia.
Lilac Breasted Roller (1 of 1).jpg
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Lilac Breasted Roller (1 of 1)-2.jpg
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Lilac Breasted Roller (1 of 1)-3.jpg
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Great images of my all-time favourite African bird. Well done, Gavin!
For my own taste, I would pull back the highlights just a bit to make those beautiful colours pop some more. :)
What a beautiful bird! If you take Rassie's suggestion and play with the highlights, please post a shot or two for our enjoyment. Maybe a before and after?