Long Time BCG Fan - First Forum Submit - Grand Canyon Hopi Point Sunrise - FSS & Panorama

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200220 Grand Canyon Sunrise Pano PERSPECTIVE 0030-0074 copy.jpg
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Thank you all. I used a Nikon D850 with a Nikkor 24-70 mm 1:2.8 Lens, Monfrotto Tripod, Heavy Jacket. Shot in February 2020 when it was in the 20's - cold by Arizona standards. At the time I was struggling with the D850's Focus Shift Shooting capability and thus I manually adjusted the focal point shift for each sequence to be stacked. Created the stacked images and stitched together the panorama in PS.
Just went through Steve's Focus Shift Stacking Course. If I knew then what I know now. For both shooting the stacks and the Post Processing. I've studied all of Steve's courses. The simplicity of his presentation of complex subjects that confuse me is remarkable. A great inspiration to my photography habit.