Look Through Lion

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Looking through some old images last night I came across this picture of a young male lion. (Sabi Sands, Greater Kruger) I took this over 16 years ago, when I was new to wildlife photography. At this time I was only interested in getting big frame filling images, particularly of birds, which was my main passion. This picture was put into the B+ file and forgotten about. Now I look at this picture and would much rather have this, than a frame filling lion, with less interest. It is interesting how our perception of a good photograph change, it all comes down to personal taste.

Nikon D70, Sigma 120-300 f2.8 @ 130mm, f4 @ 1/250.

lion look thru-studio.jpg
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Dave, that combo was very good, gave me a lot of joy! As for your thoughts on in your face, yes, that was what I did too, and the birds, The birds are still #1, but more in the environment animal images now are more what I go for. This is one beaut cat