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The lowest tide of the year occurred last Friday in Puget Sound (minus 4.01 feet MLLW at about noon at the Seattle station), so my wife and I walked onto the tide flat at Murden Cove (east side of Bainbridge Island) to see what was on the menu for the locals. Selections included clams (horse, geoduck, and Nuttall’s cockle shown with the gull), Dungeness crab, and fish, with or without a side-order of eelgrass.
If we’d stuck around, we would have been covered by more than 16 feet of water by 7:30 pm (tide at 12.35 ft MLLW), so we didn’t. That’s about the biggest tide swing for the year.

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There were two fish in the air; one of them got away.

These were shot with a D500 and 500 mm PF at f/8 or f/11 with the sun high in the sky--really lousy lighting conditions. The lens' PF element optical nature shows up in all these. For the crow shot, the sun was behind the crow and light refracting through the water drops gave the unique out-of-focus highlights associated with the lens and enlarged below (at least they aren't donuts seen in a mirror lens). All of these were processed using PS and Topaz DeNoise. Since NX Studio has the "PF Flare Control" tool I tried that on the crow shot and found that it didn't have a significant effect on the Fresnel flare.

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