M43 cameras

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I see there is no posts about micro four thirds cameras which I have switched over to. Having been in the Nikon D series cameras for more years than I can remember, at my age weight started to become an issue. Hence selling all Nikon gear and going over to Panasonic. So bought the Panasonic G9 with the 12/60mm kit elmarit lens and what a difference, No more heavy lenses. From that and keeping , i got the G9ii latest version
NoW the image stablisation, with that in the camera and also in the lens, makes it so much easier,for me that is, to keep it hand held steady, even with the 100-300mm lens added to the lineup. Now being four thirds mm lenght is doubled ,making the 100-300mm lens into a 200-600mm full frame equivilent lens at half the size and weight. Ok low light may be a problems depending on lens used but so far I i have not found any problems, although I am not going out at midnight to take photos. the G9ii now with phase detection is a step up from the G9 earlier version and has several improvements. Even the menu is larger but I find better and easier to use.
The video side of these cameras actually lack nothing and it would be hards to tell from a ff video.
Just my thoughts I wanted to post. thank you for reading
I used to have both a M43 system and Nikon system. I used the M43 system for international travel and hiking. When Nikon started making smaller bodies (i.e. Z6/7) and lighter PF lenses, the weight advantage of M43 mostly disappeared and so I sold my M43 system. However, recently I've been reconsidering a dedicated M43 system for Macro. M43 does have a lot of advantages for Macro photography and there are some great lens selections.
I used to have both a M43 system and Nikon system. I used the M43 system for international travel and hiking. When Nikon started making smaller bodies (i.e. Z6/7) and lighter PF lenses, the weight advantage of M43 mostly disappeared and so I sold my M43 system. However, recently I've been reconsidering a dedicated M43 system for Macro. M43 does have a lot of advantages for Macro photography and there are some great lens selections.
Have to agree although I did not sell my M43 gear. Having both systems give me great flexibility, especially for travel. But for BIF, my Nikon gear is my primary system.

I went for the Panasonic for a couple of reasons. About 13 years ago I had a Panasonic HC-X900m camcorder and until it became not viable to repair after about 10 years. So with all the hyp about stablisation I swapped to Sony the AX53 model. It was disappointed with the lack of manual controls but it had good IR . So got rid of it and back to Pansonic with the HC-X1500 camcorder
Having been more than happy with Panasonic and looking for an alternative and something a bit lighter than a FF camera. The obvious answer to me was to go M43 and with Panasonic.
So for me a good choice. Even my little Panasonic DC-TZ95 compact has served me well
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