Macro subjects 6/28

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Supporting Member
Steven, your technique and results are outstanding. These images are very impressive! Thanks for sharing…👍
All great as usual, the feather legged fly is amazing. And how do you find all those robber flies?? Complete with victims!
Thank you. I was actually lucky enough to find both of these in the same day about a half mile apart. I normally just go to local parks and walk around near the edge of the weeds early morning and usually have pretty good luck finding bugs it hasn’t been quite as good this year because we’ve had drought conditions, but we’re finally starting to get some rain so hopefully that improves things. I’ve barely seen any butterflies this year.
WOW! What a set of images! I'd love to comment on individual images, but since they aren't numbered I keep losing count ! LOL! #1 and 2 are stunningly sharp. And 5, 6 ,11, 12, and 12 - I think - are also ones that are standouts in a very, very strong set of images.
WOW! What a set of images! I'd love to comment on individual images, but since they aren't numbered I keep losing count ! LOL! #1 and 2 are stunningly sharp. And 5, 6 ,11, 12, and 12 - I think - are also ones that are standouts in a very, very strong set of images.
Thank you very much