Made 3 attempts but missed each time.

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I was in perfect position but he missed all 3 times😂
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Thanks Jeff. I wonder how ,any misses they get for each success.
I don't know the stats on that. I saw one toward the end of last summer splash down 4 or 5 times without coming up with a fish. A second one swooped down, grabbed a fish first try and flew off. The first one followed it. I believe it may have been an adult teaching a fledgeling how to catch fish.

I am quite embarrassed to talk about the number of casts I make vs. the number of fish I catch. Osprey have to have a better average or they would all starve.

First, awesome shot, Ralph!

I think ospreys have a high success rate. Cornell says this on their web page;

"Ospreys are excellent anglers. Over several studies, Ospreys caught fish on at least 1 in every 4 dives, with success rates sometimes as high as 70 percent. The average time they spent hunting before making a catch was about 12 minutes—something to think about next time you throw your line in the water."

Last summer we went to a high altitude lake in the Sierras that has a fishing lodge. We were there for birds, but the lake was lined with fishermen. An osprey came, circled the lake once, then plunged into the water and came up with a huge fish. It could barely get airborne. It took a bit to turn the fish the right way. I turned to one of the fishermen near me and said "wow"!....he said "yeah, they make it look so easy. that's the 2nd fish in the last hour". They take the fish back to the nests they build on the tufa towers offshore on Mono lake.

I missed getting photos because I lent my 500pf to a friend to try it out.
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