Male Phainopepla - a black bird

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I saw this black bird at Bosque recently and at first thought it was a raven but it had a red eye and a top-knot of sorts, so definitely not a raven. Took the shot and looked it up at home. I've never seen or heard of this bird before but Wikipedia tells me it is a male Phainopepla from Central America. It's supposed to be found in central California, too, although I've never seen one here (here being where I photograph birds in Central CA). Apparently this bird was heading to the Utah area and I just happened to see him in his path of migration as he took a break. Kind of interesting to see a new and different bird.

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It's a bird we often find in Sacramento County this time of year. Lake Natoma is an especially good area for this species as well as nearby Sailor Bar county park. I've also observed them at my backyard bird bath.
It's a bird we often find in Sacramento County this time of year. Lake Natoma is an especially good area for this species as well as nearby Sailor Bar county park. I've also observed them at my backyard bird bath.
I know that Wiki said they were in the Central Valley but I thought it was kind of funny that I saw this one in New Mexico and I've never seen one where I live! So goes life.