Mallards are exciting, right?

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I seem to be drawn to the ducks in Massachusetts this time of year. Taken with my D850 and a 200-500. Early morning sunrise. Comments welcome
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I imagine that a crop of just the duck's reflection and waves at the bottom part of the first photo would make an interesting and unusual bit of abstract art. FWIW
Yes, reflection pics make for good art, I have quite a few of those.
I think Mallards are under-appreciated because they are common. The bright green head and wing markings on a male are really beautiful, in my opinion.
I think Mallards are under-appreciated because they are common. The bright green head and wing markings on a male are really beautiful, in my opinion.
Unfortunate truth that people place less value on what's common. Same with Canada geese which IMO are beautiful. Of course covering city parks across North America with their poop doesn't help endear them either 🙄
Unfortunate truth that people place less value on what's common. Same with Canada geese which IMO are beautiful. Of course covering city parks across North America with their poop doesn't help endear them either 🙄
I have many shots of geese flying in formation. Very impressive. A honking experience.
they may be common in their numbers but are uncommon in their beauty. I think there are few creatures more beautiful than a drake mallard in the sunshine. If they were rare birds, people would be going gaga over how pretty they are.

Nice photos of some beautiful creatures.
Yes, in the -ducks in flight- the eyes have it. In the first one, I tried to get him to turn. He gave me such a flap, I just took what I could get. I agree though, the eyes are important. Thanks for the feedback.