Mammals in Flight (MIF)

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Most years I try to get a day in the Scottish Highlands watching our native Red Squirrel, from a hide. These entertaining creatures are great value and ideal for testing photo equipment and techniques.

Nikon D4, 300f2.8, f4.5 @ 1/1250, ISO3200
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Nikon D4, 300f2.8, f3.5 @ 1/3200, ISO1250
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Nikon D4, 300f2.8, f4.0 @ 1/2000, ISO2500
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They are good and fun that third shot is awesome! Great job 😎👍
Most years I try to get a day in the Scottish Highlands watching our native Red Squirrel, from a hide. These entertaining creatures are great value and ideal for testing photo equipment and techniques.

Nikon D4, 300f2.8, f4.5 @ 1/1250, ISO3200
View attachment 7899

Nikon D4, 300f2.8, f3.5 @ 1/3200, ISO1250
View attachment 7901

Nikon D4, 300f2.8, f4.0 @ 1/2000, ISO2500
View attachment 7902
That last one looks like ‘Superman’ flying with a side wind!
I love the ears 😂