Marineland 6:37

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Well-known member
Marineland June sunrise among the coquina rocks that line the beach.

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D800 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm f11 1/15s
There's a fellow in UK renowned for landscape photography, with a lot of photos published, by the name of John Cornish, he invariably included rocks in the foreground and became his 'trademark'. They became know as 'John Cornish Boulders' JCBs for short! He took some splendid photos. Your splendid photo reminded me of his work.
There's a fellow in UK renowned for landscape photography, with a lot of photos published, by the name of John Cornish, he invariably included rocks in the foreground and became his 'trademark'. They became know as 'John Cornish Boulders' JCBs for short! He took some splendid photos. Your splendid photo reminded me of his work.
Thanks , you‘re very kind, I’ll to look up John’s work.