Masai Mara Cats

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Thanks Steve for the videos, books and advice. I have just started using manual with auto ISO and it seems to produce more keepers. Still early days in my learning. Here are some Cats from a recent visit to the Masai Mara in Kenya
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apologies, here are the settings in descending order:
1. Nikon D500, 200-500, taken at 450mm, f8, 1/1250, iso 3600
2. Nikon D500, , 200-500, taken at 500mm, f5.6, 1/800, iso 200
3. Nikon D500, 200-500, taken at 500mm, f5.6, 1/200, iso 3200
All manual mode with auto ISO
Thanks Yezdi, still learning and applying the great advice that come from years of experience of professionals like Steve,
Awesome photos Hawkeshead. I'm a real sucker for cats and these photos really make me want to get to Africa.
Kathy, you should, its a fantastic experience. I hope international tourism does pick up in time as confidence grows, safety measured in Kenya for example are very robust and the Tourism board have received a Safet travel award for their response to covid