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I haven't even put mine on yet! So the wake up time is slower? Why would that be? I don't think that has been the case with other grips...????

With the D850, the grip gave your increased FPS when using the larger battery? Any advantage to the grip other than having a spare battery "at the ready".... and the increase real estate for holding the camera?
Unfortunately, it’s very noticeable. I had a Z6 and got rid of it very quickly due to both wake up time and no vertical grip. Before I added the grip I was very impressed with the difference but now it’s about as bad as the Z6 was. I’m learning to live with it but it’s still aggravating. The IQ is amazing.
I haven't even put mine on yet! So the wake up time is slower? Why would that be? I don't think that has been the case with other grips...????

With the D850, the grip gave your increased FPS when using the larger battery? Any advantage to the grip other than having a spare battery "at the ready".... and the increase real estate for holding the camera?

I've been aware of this ever since the grip was available. For me the biggest adventage with a battery grip is the better handling when using portrait orientation when shooting models.
I have the MB-N11 Grip on the Z6II beside me. If I let it go into "sleep" you can hear it quietly shut down. If I pick it up, bring to to m eye, and half press the shutter, it wakes up and displays the scene immediately. I don't see any noticeable delay as such. I am not sure there is any delay. The Z9 which I also have on my desk now, only a fraction of a second faster.
I have taken the grip off the Z6II. It "appears" to wake about 1/4 of a second faster at most in my opinion. Can you explain what settings you have and what delays you are seeing? Maybe I am missing something. Are there 2 batteries in the grip?
I have the MB-N11 Grip on the Z6II beside me. If I let it go into "sleep" you can hear it quietly shut down. If I pick it up, bring to to m eye, and half press the shutter, it wakes up and displays the scene immediately. I don't see any noticeable delay as such. I am not sure there is any delay. The Z9 which I also have on my desk now, only a fraction of a second faster.
I have taken the grip off the Z6II. It "appears" to wake about 1/4 of a second faster at most in my opinion. Can you explain what settings you have and what delays you are seeing? Maybe I am missing something. Are there 2 batteries in the grip?

Maybe there has been a fix by firmware. Can't deny that people moaning about it have reduced to zero now, unless they have just accepted it. As I said, this was raised as soon as the grip was avaialble. How long have you had your Z6II? Early or more recent?
I bought the Z6ii in June last year and the MB-N11 in September. What firmware version do you have on the Z6II? (On mine: C= 1.30 and LF= 1.01)
I like the Z6II but felt a grip would be good to add some size to my grip on it. It is a small camera compared to my other Nikon gear. (Z9, D500 with Velo grip)
I actually like having the small gripless option now because I can fit if in my bag with a kit lens zoom on as a second camera and it uses very little space.
I bought the Z6ii in June last year and the MB-N11 in September. What firmware version do you have on the Z6II? (On mine: C= 1.30 and LF= 1.01)
I like the Z6II but felt a grip would be good to add some size to my grip on it. It is a small camera compared to my other Nikon gear. (Z9, D500 with Velo grip)
I actually like having the small gripless option now because I can fit if in my bag with a kit lens zoom on as a second camera and it uses very little space.

I don't have any Z body, just one Nikon F mount body now, a D850. Waiting for the Z8. I'm just aware that a lot of people were complaining about the slow wake-up when using the battery grip.

I know the adavantages of small bodies. I have 2 x Fuji XT-4s and I can take the 2 cameras, a lot of lenses and all of the bits 'n bobs and the whole lot weighs in less than my D850 with 3 f2.8 lenses!
The 850 is such a good DSLR. I was 'waiting' for it to come down in price, it didn't until after the Z9 was announced and shipping and that sort of made waiting for it irrelevant.

'To wait or not to wait, that is the question'. ;)

I opted not to wait. It think it is a bit like waiting for the technology in the D5 and D6 to make into the DSLR range. Some parts almost did but the total package, well not really. (FPS, low light, auto focus, customisable buttons) The D500 was as close as I got, but it wasn't full frame. (I still have it). I have never bought a flagship camera before. I guess I am looking at having the camera and all its opportunities / challenges etc. - NOW, while I am still young enough to carry the lenses, camera, tripod and gimbal.
I expect the Z8 in late 2023 or mid 2024.

I am just not sure how much of the Z9 package they will include in the Z8. If they pull too much of the Z9 into the Z8 - what will the flagship camera have to justify the extra cash?
I have never bought a flagship camera before. I guess I am looking at having the camera and all its opportunities / challenges etc. - NOW, while I am still young enough to carry the lenses, camera, tripod and gimbal.

That is a good strategy. I've never needed what a flagship camera offers. I am a jack of all trades in my photography. I flit from genre to genre (and mix them up too) as the fancy takes me and until now the cameras that did the job for me were D70s as my first SLR sporting a d in front, than a D300, D700, D810 and now the D850. I got a used mint Fuji XT-1 in 2018 (same year I got the D850) before Nikon sold a mirrorless camera as it reminded me so much of my SV Pentax that I bought around 1964/5 - and I still have it! Loved it
so much I sold it in 6 months, but only as I fell over an XT-2 that was bought as a second/spare camera and never used! other than checking it worked. That was 3 cameras bought in 2018. Recently I shoot models most, followed bu rugby as a favour to the club that hosts my camera club. STOP!! Don't say that the Z9 will be the ideal camera for the rugby. I know that! But my XT-4s cover that with ease and a fraction of the weight. I've shot rugby with all of my FF Nikons and used an 80-200 f2.8 + 1.4x TC, a Sigma 150-600 Sport and a Nikon 300mm f4. They gave me good results, but since I got the Fujis they are my camera of choice for the rugby. One day when the light was really poor I took my D850 +80-200 + 1.4x TC (I didn't have the adaptor then) and I could not believe how awkward it was to use v the Fuji! I have an adaptor that allows all of my Nikon lenses to AF on the Fuji and the 80-200 does not need a TC and works really well. I've since got the Fuji 70-300 which weighs half of what the 80-200 does and is now my first choice.

I expect the Z8 in late 2023 or mid 2024.

That could be too late for me.....

I am just not sure how much of the Z9 package they will include in the Z8. If they pull too much of the Z9 into the Z8 - what will the flagship camera have to justify the extra cash?

In the past the D XXX series have always had much of what the D X ones offered and getting the 'vice captain' of the range was never an issue. That never seemed to stunt the sales of the flagships, but now I'm wondering with the Z9 price point and its 45 MP, will there actually be a Z8? One of the reasons I never had a D X camera is that I would not want an integrated battrey grip, which If they never do a Z8 would be the reason why I might never own a Z camera. The Z7II comes close, but is it the jack of all trades that the D850 is? I'm not sure. I would not have to buy a load of new lenses either.
I am not sure about the Z9 and rugby. I am sure it would work, but isn't sports photography more about the ability of the photographer to recognise events as they are unfolding and get the lens to focus on that pivotal moment? You don't need a Z9 for that (I am sure it would be nice but I have no plans to seek out a local match).

It's all about what you have got, not what you might have had given unlimited resources.

I stuck with Nikon because I have some lovely Nikon big glass. The largest is the 500F4G that I acquired second hand. It has some delightful optical qualities that I didn't really grasp fully until I started to use it extensively. It deserved to be used with a full frame body. The z9 ticked a lot of boxes for me (and I chose to ignore the illogical ones) I also have a 300 F2.8 which the Z9 brings to life in a completely different way than the D500 ever did.

If I had other glass or a different brand of camera I am sure I would find them engaging and fun as well - but - I don't.