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Well-known member
The fishing has been so good at MINWR lately that I've left the camera at home a few times. Last week I decided to bring one with me, and I ran into a few Flamingos. I had to go back to the truck to get the camera and the birds were kind enough to hang around. (Otherwise, birding is a little slow around here.) Shot handheld from a kayak.

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The fishing has been so good at MINWR lately that I've left the camera at home a few times. Last week I decided to bring one with me, and I ran into a few Flamingos. I had to go back to the truck to get the camera and the birds were kind enough to hang around. (Otherwise, birding is a little slow around here.) Shot handheld from a kayak.

View attachment 96631
This is a terrific photo!
The fishing has been so good at MINWR lately that I've left the camera at home a few times. Last week I decided to bring one with me, and I ran into a few Flamingos. I had to go back to the truck to get the camera and the birds were kind enough to hang around. (Otherwise, birding is a little slow around here.) Shot handheld from a kayak.

View attachment 96631
Nice poses and great lighting.
Thanks for the comments. The kayak provides for some nice, low angle shots, but at the same time that's all you get since your stuck in one position. I still haven't figured out to carry the camera, big lens, PLUS fishing equipment in the 12-foot yak.
This is excellent. I have been to Florida a few times but never seen flamingos in the wild. (Looking forward to my first sighting in Doñana National Park this coming February).