Miffed Cat ~ Serval

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Upset Serval, Felis serval, Tierboskat ~ Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve, Kromdraai, Gauteng, South Africa. They used to breed endangered species like Siberian Tiger, black leopard, and white lions. This serval was in a big camp and the image is shot through diamond mesh. Jpeg form long ago, D300; 70-200/F2.8; f/8; 1/250; IS) 400
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Nice Callie! This is one pissed off kitty - the ears are so flat you can’t see them! I once had a kitty that pulled this face whenever a stranger entered the house!
Upset Serval, Felis serval, Tierboskat ~ Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve, Kromdraai, Gauteng, South Africa. They used to breed endangered species like Siberian Tiger, black leopard, and white lions. This serval was in a big camp and the image is shot through diamond mesh. Jpeg form long ago, D300; 70-200/F2.8; f/8; 1/250; IS) 400View attachment 4975
Very nice image, Callie. I'm just wondering what you said to the poor thing to p..s her off like that. Criticized her ancestry? 🤡
Thanks folks, appreciate. Yeah, (s)he was really in a pestiferous mood!
Luckily, I could manage a few images. Unfortunately, I was shooting jpeg. :mad: