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From today's outing to Mill Pond Garden in Rehoboth DE.
The Daffodils were taken with a Mamiya 55mm 2.8 lens on a tilt shift adpter mounted on a Nikon Z7 with a R1C1 for fill.
The Japanese Andromeda is a stacked image taken using a Nikon 50mm macro on a Nikon Z7. It was a breezy day and I forgot my plamp.

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Japanese Andromeda.jpg
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Nice technique. I have never tried it and the lenses can be hard to find/afford for only occasional use
I use a FotoDiox tilt/shift adapter and Mamiya lens for 645 system. The medium format lenses cover then entire full frame sensor when tilted. The adapter was less than $200 on sale. The lenses are readily available on eBay and elsewhere. I spend a fair amount of time photographing flowers.